Our Vision

The advancement in automotive brings great convenience to human, but the cost of auto repairs has also risen geometrically. Though new and certified-used vehicles usually have adequate repair warranty protection, the older and high mileage vehicles do not. Yet, about 78% of Americans drive used and older model vehicles. These consumers drain their pockets each time they repair their vehicle. Many consumers have also become victims of OVER-INFLATED ‘AFTER MARKET WARRANTY’ programs. We are here to solve those problems.

Our Mission

FREE-CARFIX program is a clear solution for expensive and unaffordable auto repairs and maintenance.
Enrolment is free!
We provide coast-to-coast service!
We pay for Mobile Repair service! (optional).

  • Subscribe for the package that is comfortable and convenient for you
  • When you need repair, choose from our list of featured auto repair shops near you or go to your favorite licensed/registered repair shop in your area
  • Ask the repair shop to call us to get repair approval.
  • They fix your car, we Pay your bill according to your subscribed package


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We are a unique savings company for drivers and vehicle owners.

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